Thursday, March 14, 2013

New Book Live on Kindle - meditations, Mantras and ways to Stop Beating Yourself Up

My handbook is live on Kindle. I was going to post one of the meditations, but figured it might not make much sense without some information on mantras, so here's the beginning of that chapter.

Chapter Two: What is a Mantra and How Can it Help You?

            A mantra is something you associate with a different state of mind, like happiness when you’re usually not the most upbeat person. Mostly they are known as words or phrases, but they can be anything.
            I have a mantra I developed over a year of imagining the happiest I could be. I use it now, not all the time, but to relax me and I swear I feel chemicals in my brain change. My mantra is a word phrase. No surprise there!
            An example of a natural mantra is a song you heard a lot during an extremely emotional time period of your life. If you hear it now, you might feel that same way for a moment. How you felt then. The strength of your confusion, love, excitement, pain, anything going on.
            Mantras are not just for boosting power in yourself. They are natural associations. They are everywhere, in everything. Color, sunsets, cars, ringtones, paintings, movies, HBO shows, a voice, scents. These mantras set your mind into another state. They take you where you were, however you felt, you are there right then when the mantra triggers you.
            How does a mantra work? More mysteries of the mind which are being uncovered. Many mystical types use mantras to take them into extreme states of higher consciousness. Shamans use mantras to go into trance and explore different dimensions they describe, and can go into what is called the Shamanic Ecstasy, where they feel extreme pleasure of spirit, body and mind.
            A mantra simply transforms your perception. What do you think would work for you? Does music especially affect you? Do you like the idea of having powerful words you can say or think to make yourself change? I’ll give types of meditations in another chapter, but I want you to try all kinds of ideas for your mantras. I believe I said this in my first book, but imagination is a great, strong and powerful gift which is uniquely yours. The way your imagination works is key to creating mantras and being able to use them in everyday life.

New Book Release : )

I uploaded Meditations, Mantras and Ways to Stop Beating Yourself Up to Kindle about an hour ago. Only a few votes on the blog, but friends on Facebook and people I know liked the brass-colored one for the cover. I thought the font could be better, so here's what it looks like:

Once it's live, I'll post one of the meditations in the book on the blog. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Need Your Input! Cover for Next Book!

Hello! I'm almost finished writing my next handbook, and here are two covers I'm working on. I'd love to know which you like, or if I should try more. These images are from Alice Porpkorn, as was the last image I used for the first handbook.

I'm putting a poll up on the sidebar if you'd like to contribute, or feel free to leave a comment.