Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Imagination Manifestation

You can make your mind believe anything. You can use your imagination to make yourself experience the deep sea or the highest mountain. Or even planets and space travel. Other dimensions. 

Why not use your imagination to think of yourself that way? You can manifest that you are the person you know you are deep down, the one fighting, hiding, fearing...but overcoming it all each and every day.

You can imagine yourself in any career or in a great relationship. This doesn't mean it'll magically happen, but as your mindset about yourself and your innate abilities to survive and thrive changes into a positive perception, life will come along for the ride in unexpected and pleasant ways.

Pretend you are the lead singer of your favorite band about to go onstage to put on a show. Are you nervous? Envision yourself taking over the room, spreading your happy juju to every fan out there.

Then picture yourself taking stage and rocking the venue so hard the walls shake. This is your power. You can change your life by first imagining your mind and outlook changing.

Then the life you want will begin to manifest because you've found the secret. Manifesting isn't necessarily about getting everything you want, it's about have a state of mind to where you're happy with what you have and draw more positive things into your life through that.