Thursday, January 3, 2013

A Way A Mantra Can Help You Lose Weight

 How can saying something in my head or singing a song to myself help me lose weight?

The brain loves associations. Do you like to place actors in movies you're watching with other roles they've played, not quite satisfied until you've made an association with them as people?

Same thing applies here. Each time you overeat and feel bad about doing it, instead of letting guilt crush you, get some silly 80s song in your head. Get it nice and stuck in there. Then forget about it.

Every time you eat too much and the guilt kicks in, make that one 80s song you never could get out of your head play in your mind until you can't take it anymore.

It could take a week, a month, a few months, but eventually, you can make yourself hear the 80s song before you eat, and you'll remember that bloated, icky feeling your body gets when you eat too much before you do it, then you won't even want to.

This works with any kind of imagery you can think of, such as words you repeat over and over; physical activities, from knitting only blue yarn to hopping on one foot for three minutes; or staring at a picture or artwork, or even imagining it in your head. 

Train your brain, don't let it tame your life with its demands for you to be what you want through criticism.

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