Friday, February 15, 2013

Excerpt From Next Hand Guide

Chapter One: What’s Wrong with Me?
              Absolutely nothing. And everything. And some of this and some of that. But quit asking yourself that. Each time you go through your what’s-wrong-with-you list, begin a what’s-right-with-you list. Maybe you have nice feet. Or perhaps you’ve been told a lot by friends you’re a great listener.
              You won’t want to think about those things after you’ve mentally crushed yourself with all that stuff you hate about yourself. It’s hard to switch gears like that. The first time you may quit at simply thinking about doing it.
              But maybe, just maybe, you’ll try it a few more times. And say something nice and honest to yourself that you like about you. And you might even listen. And as crazy as it sounds, that one whisper from your own lips to your ears could change your day.
              It might not happen each time you do it, but it could become a mantra. More on that later, but this is a simple way to train your mind.
              What do you think is wrong with you? What’s so horrible? Name those things.
              Next, identify where those ideas came from. Did someone tell you that about yourself? Do you feel guilty about certain desires you have you think you shouldn’t? Have you been taught certain thoughts are bad? Have you been mean to people to make yourself feel stronger, only to later feel miserable you did those things?
              You are human, then! Welcome to humanity. We all do those things. And many of us hate ourselves for it. I suppose the ones who don’t wouldn’t bother picking up this read. You did. You’re trying to find a way to quit beating yourself up. 

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