Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Drawing Positive People into Your Life

If you've read my first book, then you found this blog listed at the end. You may have noticed I write about using imagination as a key ingredient to making your life better, easier, and more manageable.

This kind of imagination work can also be called manifesting. Manifesting is putting into action what you want from imagining and figuring out ways to make those things you want to happen. This can work with drawing positive people into your life, as well as inspiring different aspects of your life.

Maybe you have attracted people with problems and they tend to want you to fix them. Or perhaps you draw people who pop in and out of your life and feel a bit used.

You can start bringing happier, healthier people into your life by first picturing what kind of folks you want to know. Look around when you socialize. Who do you want to know? What is it about them you're drawn to?

Imagine having conversations with the kinds of people you want to be around. What would you talk about? How would you relate to them?

Next is manifesting. How do you make it happen? It may sound scary, but after you've imagined the kinds of interactions you want and the kind of people you want around you, start up conversations that you've already run through your head with these people. Ask lots of questions. If you're interested in metaphysics, then you probably have psychic experiences, especially involving contact with other people.

Try striking up talks with people you feel would be a positive influence. Don't be shy; you've already done this in your thoughts. The conversations may not run exactly as you imagined them, but if you've practiced how you'd like them to go enough, you should be able to hang with whatever is thrown your way.

The point of imagining is to boost your confidence, and then manifesting is taking action. If you believe, after perusing your own mind and ideas, you are strong and can make the kinds of friends or partners you want in your life, then manifesting them won't be difficult at all.

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