Saturday, November 24, 2012

What Are You Afraid Of?

What are you afraid of and why are you afraid of it?

I'm scared of being in cars. Not only do I get motion-sickness, but I'm worried everyone else on the road is out to kill me, themselves and everyone else because of a million reasons my imagination conjures into total phobia. I ball up my fists, my shoulders shoot up to my earlobes, and I yelp from time to time, which terrifies other people when they're driving. But sometimes, if someone else is driving, I can close my eyes and though the fear is still there, it ebbs. It's so hard to keep my eyes closed, though, but there it is. A treatment plan!

Fear is my second least favorite emotion, anger being my first. That post is for another day, but it an emotion? It's such a basic part of who we are and our daily lives.

Sure, I can envision myself arriving at the location I'm being driven to, can even see myself tucked in bed later that night, safe and asleep. Still, once behind the dashboard, I panic.

What are you afraid of that makes you downright phobic? I figured out I can't process fast speeds and that's why I get scared. Thus, the eye closing. If you can identify exactly what you're afraid of and why, then you can try different methods of "closing your eyes," or handling your fears in manageable ways.

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