Monday, December 24, 2012

Sunday, December 23, 2012

New hand book I'm writing: Quit beating yourself up!

I'm working on my second hand book. It's called Meditations, Mantras and How to Quit Beating Yourself Up~~~~~

Going through a lot of personal experience writing this, and I hope you can all relate. This hand book describes ways to quit hating those little things about yourself, or even the big things.

I have descriptions of how to meditate and use mantras at will to keep fear at bay.

I encourage all of you to vote on future blog posts in the poll so I can answer ideas you have.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Gemstone Meanings - Iolite

Iolite is a beautiful gemstone that changes shades between violet and blue, depending on the light.

Iolite is known for meditation and especially for shamans who like to use them for trance purposes. Wearing it can opne your mind to new ideas and perspectives.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

"Magnetic Highway"

I love Star Trek and my favorite series is Voyager. Recently, our Earth's very own Voyager 1 is on the verge of interstellar space.

Reports came in of what is being called a "magnetic highway" between our solar system and what lies beyond. Fascinating stuff!

I'm very, very slowly learning astrology and have always been interested in astronomy (who isn't?) and I've been thinking about the cultures of Ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt, who put stars in constellations for the West, named them, passed them down through thousands of years and not only that, but created meaning of our lives out of these stars.

If you've ever had a great astrologer read your chart, you know it can be mind-blowing.

As Voyager sends images and information back, how will this affect astrology? Assuming there's life on other planets, do those species have their own versions of astrology according to their stars?

Friday, December 7, 2012

Stop Doubting Your Perception and Start Creating it!

You can walk into a room and feel lots of people around you, read them ~ through gestures, eye movement ~ with empathy or telepathy ~ or something unnamed ~ What is your ultimate conclusion of the moment?

Do you trust it? Do you go with the judgment of fear, or joy, or wanting to help? Your perception is the most unique thing about you.

Dig into why you see things the way they are. Change what you don't like or create something else out of it.

Use that imagination, never let it rest.

Monday, December 3, 2012

New Poll

I have a new poll for suggestions on blog topics you'd like to read about. I only listed five, but if you have any other suggestions, feel free to leave them in comments and I'll add them to the poll. Comments can be anonymous, but are moderated. Thanks!

Gemstone Meaning - White Topaz

White topaz is gorgeous! Some prefer these gemstones over diamonds for their pure sparkle.

Above is a pear-cut white topaz. Wearing white topaz with other gemstones enhances the properties of the other gemstone, making its metaphysical qualities stronger. For example, the last gemstone I blogged about was citrine, so if you had a citrine ring with white topaz accents, you just might be luckier or more likely to get unexpected money because the white topaz makes the citrine more powerful.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Votes for Next Book Conclusion

I had three votes for three subjects, so I decided to work on something else while brewing the word pot for those three subjects voted on.

Thanks for reading and voting! I'll be doing a lot of writing this week on the newest piece.