Saturday, December 8, 2012

"Magnetic Highway"

I love Star Trek and my favorite series is Voyager. Recently, our Earth's very own Voyager 1 is on the verge of interstellar space.

Reports came in of what is being called a "magnetic highway" between our solar system and what lies beyond. Fascinating stuff!

I'm very, very slowly learning astrology and have always been interested in astronomy (who isn't?) and I've been thinking about the cultures of Ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt, who put stars in constellations for the West, named them, passed them down through thousands of years and not only that, but created meaning of our lives out of these stars.

If you've ever had a great astrologer read your chart, you know it can be mind-blowing.

As Voyager sends images and information back, how will this affect astrology? Assuming there's life on other planets, do those species have their own versions of astrology according to their stars?

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