Sunday, June 9, 2013

Next handbook Teaser - Soulmates

I'm working on a handbook on soulmates and hope to finish it by the end of the month. Here's the introduction for your pleasure!


Everybody is interested in soulmates, right? There are people who draw us in, hypnotize us, fascinate us all our lives from the moment we meet them, and the craziest part about it is they feel the same way about us.

The term “soulmate” is a spiritual one, but I bet there’s a word for it in tons of languages. There’s no proof of such a thing as a soulmate. For that, we’d need a “soul” in a petri dish.

You can read lots of books about soulmates and hear all kinds of ideas about soulmates from individual perspectives, and that’s all this handbook is. My thoughts and observations on what soulmates are and what purpose they serve. I gathered this through my thirty-eight years of relationships with family, friends, lovers and enemies. I don’t know anything for sure about what the core reality of it all is, but I want to write this book in hopes of helping readers think about their own ideas of soulmates.

I want readers to generate their own philosophies from anything I write, whether it be metaphysical ponderings or wild, thriller fiction. I want to entertain your mind with what could be, at least to me.

As you read, think about the people who have impacted you the most in your life and how they shaped it. Think about those you know now.

I believe we have many soulmates we can meet throughout our lives. I have read and heard of twin flames, too. Twin flames, from what I understand, are two people who are halves of the same soul in two different bodies. I haven’t given that much thought. Twin flames is not the topic of this handbook. I want to explore soulmates.

I hope you enjoy reading.

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