Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Imagination Manifestation

You can make your mind believe anything. You can use your imagination to make yourself experience the deep sea or the highest mountain. Or even planets and space travel. Other dimensions. 

Why not use your imagination to think of yourself that way? You can manifest that you are the person you know you are deep down, the one fighting, hiding, fearing...but overcoming it all each and every day.

You can imagine yourself in any career or in a great relationship. This doesn't mean it'll magically happen, but as your mindset about yourself and your innate abilities to survive and thrive changes into a positive perception, life will come along for the ride in unexpected and pleasant ways.

Pretend you are the lead singer of your favorite band about to go onstage to put on a show. Are you nervous? Envision yourself taking over the room, spreading your happy juju to every fan out there.

Then picture yourself taking stage and rocking the venue so hard the walls shake. This is your power. You can change your life by first imagining your mind and outlook changing.

Then the life you want will begin to manifest because you've found the secret. Manifesting isn't necessarily about getting everything you want, it's about have a state of mind to where you're happy with what you have and draw more positive things into your life through that.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Animal Symbolism - Cat

Cats are the most popular pet worldwide! They've been part of human lives for almost ten thousand years. Here's a picture of my newest family member:

She's a real tiger! 

Cats were worshiped in Ancient Egypt, but later, some associated them with witches and witchcraft. Cats are symbols of spirituality, independence, grace and beauty.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Next handbook Teaser - Soulmates

I'm working on a handbook on soulmates and hope to finish it by the end of the month. Here's the introduction for your pleasure!


Everybody is interested in soulmates, right? There are people who draw us in, hypnotize us, fascinate us all our lives from the moment we meet them, and the craziest part about it is they feel the same way about us.

The term “soulmate” is a spiritual one, but I bet there’s a word for it in tons of languages. There’s no proof of such a thing as a soulmate. For that, we’d need a “soul” in a petri dish.

You can read lots of books about soulmates and hear all kinds of ideas about soulmates from individual perspectives, and that’s all this handbook is. My thoughts and observations on what soulmates are and what purpose they serve. I gathered this through my thirty-eight years of relationships with family, friends, lovers and enemies. I don’t know anything for sure about what the core reality of it all is, but I want to write this book in hopes of helping readers think about their own ideas of soulmates.

I want readers to generate their own philosophies from anything I write, whether it be metaphysical ponderings or wild, thriller fiction. I want to entertain your mind with what could be, at least to me.

As you read, think about the people who have impacted you the most in your life and how they shaped it. Think about those you know now.

I believe we have many soulmates we can meet throughout our lives. I have read and heard of twin flames, too. Twin flames, from what I understand, are two people who are halves of the same soul in two different bodies. I haven’t given that much thought. Twin flames is not the topic of this handbook. I want to explore soulmates.

I hope you enjoy reading.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Gemstone Meaning - Malachite

The deep green of malachite and the swirls and patterns are of the earth.

Above is a polished cabochon used in jewelry. In natural form, it is a rough stone with many facets.

I'm in the process of making a malachite ring with white topaz accents. I think it'll be some time before it's finished.

Because of malachite's touch with all green things on earth, the stone is calming and opens the mind to spiritual experiences which bring happiness.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Tough Decisions

Where do you begin when making a choice? Do you think of what's in everybody's best interest and narrow it down to the one who has the most to gain? Do you look out for number one? Are you satisfied letting somebody else figure it out for you?

I recently had to make a tough decision. I had to let someone down, and that never feels good. I did it for the better of my family, but I still had to hurt someone in the process.

When we choose, we change the future. We create the future with our choices.

My belief is that if we make choices we feel are honest, good for loved ones and ourselves, and overall help other people, we're not doing too bad.

As time passes, guilt can be the trickiest part. Will we carry it harder and stronger each passing day, or will memory trick us into the bliss of forgetting?

Either way, there are imprints in our subconscious mind. The lessons we learn and the feelings we earn.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Beginners Palmistry - New Handbook

Here's my Beginners Palmistry handbook cover:

I originally pubbed it under the pen name Elaine Elise a year ago or so, but took it down after a month. There aren't any diagrams, but this book is just for you to begin the basics of palmistry.

Here's the Kindle link

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I Love Him, but Sometimes I Want to Hit Him over the Head with a Frying Pan

Love, men, sheesh! He’s great most of the time, you love him more than life itself, but once in a while…it would feel nice to whack him! Why does he take his moodiness out on you? Are you guilty of doing the same thing sometimes?

Sure, we all get persnickety when we live with someone or spend a lot of time with him. But he’s so…so…so…uhg! He won’t tell you what’s wrong, he just takes it out on you through snippy remarks, lack of affection, or just shuts down altogether.

Is this a bad thing? Could be, but if it doesn’t happen a lot, it’s actually flattering if you think about it.

He feels comfortable enough with you to let his freak flag fly. He’s grumpy one minute, then when he answers the phone to talk to a friend, he’s all nice and laughing. Why isn’t he doing that with you at that moment?

He knows you love him and will take his damage. You always have, he hopes you always will. And we’ve dished out some crazy for him to handle, too! But it’s all in love.

Try to get him to tell you what’s bothering him after he calms down or comes out of his shell. Many men haven’t been taught they can be open and vulnerable, and when they feel vulnerable, they want to hide it or take it out on…the people they love the most. That’s you.

Once you can get him talking, and it may take time and a lot of patience and effort, he’ll realize that’s the solution rather than a fight or a stagnant environment. A good way to get him to open up is for you to open up first about something bothering you, but don’t let him know if it’s him who is bothering you. Tell him about things in your life you are upset about, such as work situations, difficulty with children or family, ask him what you should and could do. Seek his advice and ask if he ever feels the way you do.

With time and repetition, he’ll feel safe to open up to you and realize you’re the “good one.” You’re only looking out for his best interests and letting him know he can vent to you about things outside your relationship will possibly encourage him to do that instead of the other ways he lets out his frustrations.