Monday, December 24, 2012

Sunday, December 23, 2012

New hand book I'm writing: Quit beating yourself up!

I'm working on my second hand book. It's called Meditations, Mantras and How to Quit Beating Yourself Up~~~~~

Going through a lot of personal experience writing this, and I hope you can all relate. This hand book describes ways to quit hating those little things about yourself, or even the big things.

I have descriptions of how to meditate and use mantras at will to keep fear at bay.

I encourage all of you to vote on future blog posts in the poll so I can answer ideas you have.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Gemstone Meanings - Iolite

Iolite is a beautiful gemstone that changes shades between violet and blue, depending on the light.

Iolite is known for meditation and especially for shamans who like to use them for trance purposes. Wearing it can opne your mind to new ideas and perspectives.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

"Magnetic Highway"

I love Star Trek and my favorite series is Voyager. Recently, our Earth's very own Voyager 1 is on the verge of interstellar space.

Reports came in of what is being called a "magnetic highway" between our solar system and what lies beyond. Fascinating stuff!

I'm very, very slowly learning astrology and have always been interested in astronomy (who isn't?) and I've been thinking about the cultures of Ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt, who put stars in constellations for the West, named them, passed them down through thousands of years and not only that, but created meaning of our lives out of these stars.

If you've ever had a great astrologer read your chart, you know it can be mind-blowing.

As Voyager sends images and information back, how will this affect astrology? Assuming there's life on other planets, do those species have their own versions of astrology according to their stars?

Friday, December 7, 2012

Stop Doubting Your Perception and Start Creating it!

You can walk into a room and feel lots of people around you, read them ~ through gestures, eye movement ~ with empathy or telepathy ~ or something unnamed ~ What is your ultimate conclusion of the moment?

Do you trust it? Do you go with the judgment of fear, or joy, or wanting to help? Your perception is the most unique thing about you.

Dig into why you see things the way they are. Change what you don't like or create something else out of it.

Use that imagination, never let it rest.

Monday, December 3, 2012

New Poll

I have a new poll for suggestions on blog topics you'd like to read about. I only listed five, but if you have any other suggestions, feel free to leave them in comments and I'll add them to the poll. Comments can be anonymous, but are moderated. Thanks!

Gemstone Meaning - White Topaz

White topaz is gorgeous! Some prefer these gemstones over diamonds for their pure sparkle.

Above is a pear-cut white topaz. Wearing white topaz with other gemstones enhances the properties of the other gemstone, making its metaphysical qualities stronger. For example, the last gemstone I blogged about was citrine, so if you had a citrine ring with white topaz accents, you just might be luckier or more likely to get unexpected money because the white topaz makes the citrine more powerful.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Votes for Next Book Conclusion

I had three votes for three subjects, so I decided to work on something else while brewing the word pot for those three subjects voted on.

Thanks for reading and voting! I'll be doing a lot of writing this week on the newest piece.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Value of Pets for an Empath

I love my alone time, but there are days when I'm lonely. Empaths need contact with other people to bring home and analyze and learn from, but those moments when I'm all by myself and not lonely are valuable to me.

Of course, living with a zillion cats isn't exactly being alone, but they are gentle creatures, quiet, loving. Non-judgmental. All they need and want is a good scratch under the chin or a stroke of the head.
Pets are a wonderful way to enjoy your empathy. Most pets are attached to you and spread happy feelings through your home and into your very being. Of course, there are some neurotic ones out there, but you, as an empath, can change the way they feel. Many unbalanced pets need a little extra TLC, and you can "push," as I explained in my hand book Psychic First Steps, into the little critter your love and affection.

This can take some time, but your pet will respond.

For you, having pets of any kind who call to you can be grounding, and balance you back to your old self after socializing. Simply touching them and looking into their adoring eyes can make you feel all that love humans are so afraid of giving out.

Empathy, feeling others' emotions, is a gift, but can be a curse if you're bombarded by other people's negative emotions. But with animals, pets, you may find you're most attracted to those who don't judge, can live with you can love you without projecting the negativity so many people live with.

A person may be angry or hurt by something that happened to them and you can feel it, but a pet will most likely always be there to give you a boost and tell you, "I love you," with only their eyes and a snuggle, bringing you back to yourself and your own emotions. Also, they project into you their adoration and affection, which you, as an empath, can feel.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Holiday Stress

You're not the only one with holiday stress. How do you find the perfect gifts? Do you really have to see those people you don't get along with? How can you keep calm amidst the shopping crowds, the last-minute cooking, and trying to decorate to your satisfaction?

Let's take them one at a time.

Perfect gifts and how to pay for them when you have no money. Are you creative? Can you make things for those people who are impossible to buy for? Knitting, painting, scrapbooks, something your children make are all examples of things you can do on a tight budget. Many hobby shops have specials this time of year. Use that inner creativity and think of each person you're getting presents for. Is your best friend a dog lover? You can make a journal of dog stories and pictures you print off the Internet.

Yes, you do have to see those people you feel icky around, but you can do it with a positive attitude. Do you have the feeling your in-laws hate your guts? Put on the charm. Ask them questions about when they were young. People love to feel interesting to someone. You can bring a laptop or tablet and record them telling their stories. It will endear them to to you. Then you can share the recordings with the family.

Bumping shoulders and fighting with people over the last item on a shelf can be annoying.

Be the bigger person. Let them have it. Smile a lot at the frustrated and irritated shoppers around you. It may just relax them and make the experience better. And if you let them have the last item, you'll almost be guaranteed to find something better because of your kind act.

Plan ahead for your cooking and make dishes you know. That will take gobs of pressure off.

Decorating can be a hassle, but remember all those ornaments and decorations you forgot all about? Maybe even ones you had as a kid. You can enjoy yourself, especially if you have help. Tell stories to those helping you as you decorate. If you are alone, write down memories of your treasures.

It doesn't have to be stressful or hard. It's all in attitude. And most of all, it's not even December. You can take it day by day and get a little done when you feel like it. Just do it for 15 minutes, then put it off till the next time you feel motivated. It could be an hour later, or the next day.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Gemstone Meaning - Citrine

Citrine is a yellowish-orange stone that is popular in gemstone jewelry. Its main metaphysical property is to bring wealth and luck.

You can wear it as one way to utilize its strengths, or place citrine around the house in doorways and windows. The above picture is an oval-cut gemstone, but you can also get polished stones uncut. It's inexpensive as a stone, but if you wear it as jewelry, the cost depends on the setting, whether it's gold or silver.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

What Are You Afraid Of?

What are you afraid of and why are you afraid of it?

I'm scared of being in cars. Not only do I get motion-sickness, but I'm worried everyone else on the road is out to kill me, themselves and everyone else because of a million reasons my imagination conjures into total phobia. I ball up my fists, my shoulders shoot up to my earlobes, and I yelp from time to time, which terrifies other people when they're driving. But sometimes, if someone else is driving, I can close my eyes and though the fear is still there, it ebbs. It's so hard to keep my eyes closed, though, but there it is. A treatment plan!

Fear is my second least favorite emotion, anger being my first. That post is for another day, but it an emotion? It's such a basic part of who we are and our daily lives.

Sure, I can envision myself arriving at the location I'm being driven to, can even see myself tucked in bed later that night, safe and asleep. Still, once behind the dashboard, I panic.

What are you afraid of that makes you downright phobic? I figured out I can't process fast speeds and that's why I get scared. Thus, the eye closing. If you can identify exactly what you're afraid of and why, then you can try different methods of "closing your eyes," or handling your fears in manageable ways.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Drawing Positive People into Your Life

If you've read my first book, then you found this blog listed at the end. You may have noticed I write about using imagination as a key ingredient to making your life better, easier, and more manageable.

This kind of imagination work can also be called manifesting. Manifesting is putting into action what you want from imagining and figuring out ways to make those things you want to happen. This can work with drawing positive people into your life, as well as inspiring different aspects of your life.

Maybe you have attracted people with problems and they tend to want you to fix them. Or perhaps you draw people who pop in and out of your life and feel a bit used.

You can start bringing happier, healthier people into your life by first picturing what kind of folks you want to know. Look around when you socialize. Who do you want to know? What is it about them you're drawn to?

Imagine having conversations with the kinds of people you want to be around. What would you talk about? How would you relate to them?

Next is manifesting. How do you make it happen? It may sound scary, but after you've imagined the kinds of interactions you want and the kind of people you want around you, start up conversations that you've already run through your head with these people. Ask lots of questions. If you're interested in metaphysics, then you probably have psychic experiences, especially involving contact with other people.

Try striking up talks with people you feel would be a positive influence. Don't be shy; you've already done this in your thoughts. The conversations may not run exactly as you imagined them, but if you've practiced how you'd like them to go enough, you should be able to hang with whatever is thrown your way.

The point of imagining is to boost your confidence, and then manifesting is taking action. If you believe, after perusing your own mind and ideas, you are strong and can make the kinds of friends or partners you want in your life, then manifesting them won't be difficult at all.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Psychic First Steps is Free for a Couple Days

I published my short handbook, my first publication on metaphysical topics, on Amazon's Kindle. It will be free Saturday (today) and Sunday, then free for three days next week for Thanksgiving, between Wednesday and Friday.

I also completed the paperback on Createspace and it's available in the Createspace store. Soon it will be on Amazon. I'll post the link when it's on Amazon!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Introduction and First Book

Hello, my name is Clara Masai. I'm soon publishing my first work on metaphysics and psychic abilities. Psychic First Steps is a handbook, around fifty pages, detailing basics of psychic abilities. It is also part-memoir in places where I explain my own psychic and metaphysical experiences. Here's the cover:

Thanks for visiting my new blog and I hope if you read the book, you enjoy!